Sound System Installations
Good Sounds has been designing and installing professional sound and video systems in churches, schools and theaters for nearly 20 years with tremendous success. We are committed to providing our customers with solutions and not to over-selling equipment. Our experience has shown far too many instances where these venues are sold equipment that is simply not necessary or only replicates functions that already exist within the system.
At Good Sounds, we believe in giving our customers what they need, not what we want them to have! We will visit your church, school or theater and take physical and acoustical measurements to help us design the appropriate system. We will sit down with your Pastor, teachers, church musicians, directors and staff and listen to your needs so we can choose the equipment that best serves you and fits within your budget. Good Sounds will then create a system design and provide you with a quote and when appropriate, a detailed report showing how the recommended sound system will perform in your space. We can also provide you with video and lighting systems to complete any project you may have.
Please don’t let a poor system degrade your service or event any longer. Give Good Sounds a call today at 724-220-5059 or feel free to complete the questionnaire below so we can get started on the road to better sound. Remember, if it can’t be heard, it can’t be Good!

Schedule Your $99 Evaluation Today!
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